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CEJS Series

High Voltage Jet Type Steam Boiler

The model CEJS High Voltage Electrode Steam Boiler is the proven leader with more hours of operating experience over a wide range of applications than any competitor. The CEJS electrodes are vertically mounted around the inside of the pressure vessel which enables the CEJS to produce maximum amounts of steam in a minimum amount of floor space.

The CEJS operates at existing distribution voltages, 4.16 to 25 KV with exceptional efficiency – up to 99.9% efficient! Models are available to produce steam in capacities to 270,000 pounds per hour. Pressure ratings range from 75 psig to 500 PSIG.

All CEJS boilers are designed to ASME Sec. VIII Div.1 and are certified and registered pressure vessels. Electrode boilers utilize the conductive and resistive properties of water to carry electric current and generate steam. An A.C. current flows from an electrode of one phase, through neutral, to an electrode of another phase using the water as a conductor. Since the water has electrical resistance, the current flow generates heat directly in the water itself.

The more current (amps) that flows, the more heat (BTUs) is generated and the more steam produced. Nearly 100% of the electrical energy is converted into heat with no stack or heat transfer losses.


  • Ratings from 2000 kW to 65000 kW (at various operating pressures)

  • 75 psig to 500 psig (5 to 35 bar) operating pressures available

  • Do not require step-down transformers if used at 25 KV or other H.V. line voltages

  • Simplified electrical installation through elimination of a number of components

  • Substantial final cost savings through elimination of  a step-down transformer, wherever possible, structure, components and associated labour costs

  • Backed by prompt and comprehensive assistance at all levels


The CEJS boiler converts 100% of the electrical energy input into heat. Rapid response achieves full load within 15-20 minutes from cold start; within one minute from hot start. Automatic load and pressure controls provide stepless control over the full output range, from 0 to 100% to match output to system requirements.


Fuel lines, storage and handling equipment, economizers and emission control equipment are not required, saving on capital expenditures.


There are no combustion hazards because there are no flames, fumes, fuel lines or storage tanks. There is no low water danger since the current cannot flow without water, and there are no problems with heat buildup or electrode burnout, even if scaling should occur. Thermal shock is eliminated.


Simple to operate and maintain, all electrical energy is converted to heat. Automatic controls reduce the operating personnel requirements. No complex pollution or combustion control equipment to operate and maintain.

For areas affected by allocations or interruptions of natural gas and costly oil supplies, our electrode boilers provide a dependable source of steam. The CEJS offers a clean, easier-to-use alternative to fossil fuels and allows users to take advantage of lower energy rates during daily or seasonal off peak periods.


The absence of excessive temperatures and burnout assures long operating life. Acme Electrode boilers have a minimum number of components and electrical controls, therefore, with fewer parts and no fuel residues, cleaning and maintenance requirements are reduced. Our boilers also feature simple control systems that provide maximum reliability

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