CEW-4 Series
Control Panel
The ACME CEW4 series is a microprocessor-based up to 4 channels multigas wireless detection and control system that can be used with the wireless CO and NO2 GasPost sensors. The communication between the Control Panel and the remote Sensor-Transmitters is accomplished through a 900 MHz or 2.4 GHz wireless network.
The LCD display provides a continuous digital read-out of gas concentrations for each sensor-transmitter, as well as levels status (L, H & A), the battery voltage, and the time elapsed in minutes since the last transmission.
In its most basic configuration, the CEW4 multigas wireless detection Control Panel supports up to 4 channels where each channel is treated independently controlling a fan zone. In this configuration, all channels have their own SPDT relay output at Low gas levels and/or 4-20mA signals proportional to the gas readings. In a more practical application, the channels are divided into groups that collectively serve various fan zones.
In this latter configuration, each group (zone) has a set of relay output contacts at Low gas levels and/or 4-20mA signal proportional to the demand from that group. High & Alarm gas level SPDT relay outputs are always common to all channels.
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