High Capacity Hot Water Generator
The ACME-SLIM packages represent 40 years of experience in electric heating, temperature control, and manufacture of large integrated package units.
They are designed to suit the various conditions required by new construction, conversion jobs, stand-by Hot water Generators, etc.
ACME-SLIM’s are built narrow or control high in order to pass through existing 26” doors or corridors and require a minimum of floor space. Piping and panel arrangements are designed to match physical layouts of existing equipment rooms therefore reducing installation costs.
The ACME-SLIM is ideal when converting to electric heating energy. It can be added to existing systems with a minimum of fieldwork includes state of art controls for extracting the maximum of energy available from the exiting electric power entrance.
The integral Bi-Energy control option will allow the operation of both the new electric boiler(s) and the existing oil or gas-fired boiler(s) according to outdoor temperature or special requirements.
The ACME-SLIM can also be combined with thermal storage using existing upgraded or new tanks.